In the Burning Man culture, a gift is given in the true spirit of a gift, meaning one gives freely when they feel called to give and without expectation of receiving anything in return. In 2015, many individuals, like those pictured below, made the decision to contribute a financial gift to Burning Man Project. These are people who feel inspired by and connected to the Burning Man community. Each one of these individuals, for whom we are so grateful, contributed in the true spirit of gifting; they did not request anything in return and their gift benefits the entire community.
Burning Man simply could not happen without the generosity of the many individuals who chose to donate. These gifts were possible because of our transition to a nonprofit organization. This new structure allows us to accept support to amplify and extend the Burning Man culture around the world through our existing programs. Within the Burning Man community, gifts come in all forms. Sometimes a gift is an intimate, one-on-one experience, and sometimes a gift is given to the community at large — like a Mutant Vehicle on the playa, a financial donation to Burning Man Project, or an interactive art installation on public display in a small town. All approaches to gifting are valued equally because they all invest in our community and extend the culture. Burning Man would not be possible if it weren’t for the tens of thousands of participants who make contributions where they can. Here at Burning Man Project, we are incredibly grateful for every gift given and received.

Mark Alexander
Melissa Alexander
Jay Alfirevic
Chaz Allen
Jeffrey Altman
Douglas Anderson
Yovanni Antonelli
Patricia Arellano
James Aston
Bacchus, Mayor of DisORienT
George Badger
Diane Ballard
Melissa Barron
Dennis Bartels
Suzi Bates
Chris Becherer
Robert Becker
Barbara Beerstein
Adam Belsky
Nancy Belza
Carol Benson
Christopher Bently
Marco Benz
Jerry Bernie
Jeffrey Bernstein
David Best
Daniel Boettcher
Doretta Bonner
Stefana Borovska
Mark Brailsford
Jeffrey D. Brandstetter
Ali Bravo
Mulvihill Breaking Borders
Warren Breslau
Sergey Brin
Norman Brooks
Christine Brooks
TwoCrispy Burner
Ronald Carn
Rebecca Chojnacki
Jason and Gretchen Cobb
Fannie Allen and George Cogan
Debra Cogan
Barry Cogbill
Chip Conley
Jeanette Conley
Jolie Coursin
Stephen Crowe
Abigail Crubaugh
Michael Czubaj
William Daniel
Marcel Daniels
Andrea Datzman
Rachel Davis
Mark Deem
Denise Devonish
Allison Dewald
Lawrence Diamond
Georgi Dimitrov
Mark Dollison
Jennifer Dossett
Matthew Douglass
William Doyle
Andrew Dreskin
Harley K. Dubois
Theresa Duncan
Peter Durand
Peter Dwyer
Devra Edelman
Cheryl Edison
Jonathan Estey
Fahad "Eid" Fatani
Olivier Fatton
Happy Feet
Robert Feisel
Tracy Ferron
Jerry Filipiak
Robin Fisher
Wayne Fletcher
Matthew Flinders
Thomas Ford
Peter Fowler
Vanessa Franking
Etai Freedman
Nicolai Friedman
David Fulton
Robert Fyfe
Elizabeth Gadomski
Elizabeth Gaines
Todd Gardiner
Francesca Gaskin
Michael Giacchino
John Gilmore
Allen Ginsburg
Zag Global
Jimena Gomez-Lobo
Marian Goodell
Franklin Gray
Loretta Grecco
Michael Greenberg
Rochelle Groh
Jessie Groth
Anthony Guilliom
Keith Hala
Judy Hamill
Tom Harrington
Paul Hartman
Rick Hartwig
Frances Hellman
Sharma Hendel
Brian Herman
Alexander Hill
Graham Hill
Anjanette Hill-Mendoza
Dylan Hoffman
Camber Hollywood
Kimberly Huynh
Eric Hyndman
Andrew Isola
Steve Jaffe
Mary Jang
Andrew Johns
Christopher Johnson
Robert Kelley
Sabrina Kemeny
Otho Kerr
Jemshed Khan
Petra Kienel
Shane Kilcullen
Christine King
David Kittay
Todd Koons
Noel Kopp
Igor Krugov
Kostume Kult
Bryan Lang
Irina Lazar
Daniel Le Roy
Scott LeFevre
Chad Lester
David Levin
Timothy Lipton
David Livingstone
Alexander Lloyd
Zipporah Lomax
Michael Long
Marc Louderback
Michelle Luck
Barbara Lyons
Barbara Madany
Shelly and Tony Malkin
Marcus Marchesseault
Rexanne Martin
Woodson Martin
Mercedes Martinez
John Marx
Robert Mayer
Tomas McCabe
Amy McDevitt
Anna McKinley
Zach McKinney
Sean McPherson
Bill Meacham
Yasmine Mehmet
Michael Mikel
Mike Milanczak
Megan Miller
Terri Miller
Eric Moeller
Nushin Sabet and Farhad Mohit
Pat Montreuil
Bobwan Morgan
Kay Morrison
Courtney Murphy
John Murphy
Chris Muscarella
Tahir Naim
Irina Nechaeva
Ben Nehmadi
Jeff Nelson
Minna Nilanont
Kat Parkin
John Pawlak
Robert Pearsall
Will Roger Peterson
Crimson Peterson
Brad Piek
Joshua Pines
Rich Porter
Steve Powell
Eleanor and Bob Preger
Brian Pridham
Joby Pritzker
Don Proctor
Bob Pruitt
Richelle Ragsdell
Jen and Frances Rainin
Jennifer Raiser
Andrew Ralston
Toma Ramirez
Jeffrey Reese
Kimberly Reeves
Rae Richman
Scott Riedl
Javier Rincon
Julianna Rivera
Owen Roberts
Doug Robertson
Nikki Rodenbeck
Trish Rolin
Lee Rosenblatt
Anna Roth
Anna Roth
Betty Rothman
John Routsis
Benjamin Rowland
Ken Ruotolo
Jai Ruparel
Jake Ryan
Maureen Ryan
Igor Ryder
Spontane Saltlick
Jonathan Sax
Kevin Scally
Drew Schiff
Paul Schreer
Mike Schwalb
Oskar Schwarz
Peter Schwing
Tania Seabock
Bart Seidler
Brenda Seymour
Nicole Shanahan
Patricia Shao
Byron Sheardown
Jay Sherrerd
Jaya Shingal
Doug 'Nataraj' Shire
Nicola Silver
Judy Simon
Dan Sinensky
Warren Small
Skip and Ellie Smith
Herb Smith
Jane Smith
Joshua Smith
Ian Sobieski
Michael Sollazzo
Southeast Burning Man Leadership Roundtable
Michelle Steele
Robert Steiner
Matthew Steinmetz
Jennifer Stevenson
Bill Stillman
Troy Straszheim
Scott Struthers
Vivek Sundaram
Lily Supardan
Nicholas Sutton
Aga Szydlik
Lucian Tarnowski
Michael Thompson
Justin Toal
Jim and Christine Toole
Christopher O. Traub
Warren Trezevant
Michael Tucci
Reinoud Vaandrager
Rob Van Nieuwkerk
Victoria VanChiles
Maggee VanSpeybroeck
Yossi Vardi
Milla Vayntrub
Jess Venticinque
Ron Vidal
Leo Villareal
Amy Vitarelli
Aaron Von Minden
David Walker
Don Walker
Jennifer Walske
Anna Weil
Scott Whiticre
Mike Wilson
Lawrence Wollersheim
Roger Wu
Bruce Yang
John Young
Julius Young
Joon Yun
Jason Zan
Tracy Zapata
Mike and Anna Zaroudny
Chris Zulliger
Anonymous (9)